Setup pgAdmin4 on Ubuntu in Server mode

July 22, 2017

Steps by step instructions:

# Run on terminal to upgrade package repository
sudo apt-get upgrade

# Install python dependencies
sudo apt-get install python-pip python-dev build-essential

# Upgrade pip to lastest version
sudo pip install --upgrade pip

Steps to install virtual environment:

It is always recommended to use virtual environment to manage multiple version of python for pgAdmin4, becuase pgAdmin4 supports various variants of Python

Install following packages:

sudo pip install virtualenv virtualenvwrapper

# backup .bashrc file first
cp ~/.bashrc ~/.bashrc-org

printf '\n%s\n%s\n%s' '# virtualenv' 'export WORKON_HOME=~/virtualenvs' 'source /usr/local/bin/' >> ~/.bashrc

# Activate Virtual environment
source ~/.bashrc # reload .bashrc

mkdir -p $WORKON_HOME

mkvirtualenv pgAdmin4_27 (pgAdmin4 with python 2.7)

Tips: you can activate virtualenv by running command workon pgAdmin4_27

Install latest version of Git

sudo apt-get update --fix-missing

sudo apt-get install git

Install NodeJS and Yarn

sudo apt-get update

sudo apt-get install nodejs

# install npm(node package manager)
sudo apt-get install npm

# install Yarn package manager globally(-g)
npm install -g yarn

Now we have installed all prerequisites for pgAdmin4.

Pull latest pgAdmin4 codebase from master branch

create a directory named "~/Documents/pgAdmin4" and cd to it.

git clone ./

# Activate virtual env if not activated
workon pgAdmin_27

# install all python dependency to pgAdmin4
pip install -r requirements.txt

# install all dependent packages to pgAdmin4
cd web and run `yarn install`

# Run pgAdmin4 server and browse to ''

Thats it. Now you have setup pgAdmin4.

Discussion, links, and tweets

Hello My name is Surinder Kumar, I am Python and Javascript developer from India and work at EnterpriseDB as a software engineer.
I enjoy working on Python(primarily) and other latest technologies such as Node.js, React and like to contribute to open source projects.